Sunday, February 16, 2025

December 2021

Following the Prime Minister's announcement on 8th December, we're pleased to confirm no change to our business approach and we remain committed to continuing to provide the highest level of service.

jch: treat the safety and well-being of our clients and team as our highest priority and will continue to follow the advice and legislation issued by the Government and Public Health England.

Meetings will continue to take place via telephone, video call and face to face when requested.

Please don't hesitate to contact your usual team member with any questions or concerns.

Take care, stay safe and wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy, Peaceful and Prosperous New Year.

September 2020

Following the impact of Covid-19, we took action to protect the health and safety of our clients and their families, and our employees and their families, whilst ensuring compliance with Government guidance and instructions.  

We are committed to continuing to deliver the highest level of service, especially at this time of market volatility, and adapting the situation in an informed and responsible manner.  In March we took the following actions which, whilst still mostly in place with some changes as the months have gone by, will generally remain until the end of November 2020, possibly longer depending on the situation and government advice at that time:

  • We moved all employees to homeworking
  • We ceased client visits and adopted a telephone-based or video conferencing proposition across the board for all clients

Please be reassured that we are fully operational with employees working from home utilising our technology.

The Board will continue to review the situation and will make the decisions necessary to ensure the needs of our clients are met whilst protecting the welfare and safety of our clients, employees and their families.  We will remain in regular contact with all of our clients, keeping you up to date with markets, further developments to our proposition, key business decisions and providing help and contact as often as required.  

We sincerely hope you and your families remain safe and well throughout this unique time.  If you want to discuss anything or you need help at any time, please don't hesitate to let us know.